Google and Real Turkey

Özel Arama
I am a citizen of Istanbul and you can find my recommendations regarding what you should do during your stay at Istanbul.

You know, most of the tourists just visit the most popular places and return to their countries without experiencing the real city life.

The objective of my blog is to help you to see the real city life in Istanbul.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Turkey should use wind mills rather than nuclear plant

In the chart below, you see the top ten countries that generate most windpower in the world. I am very disappointed that Althoguh Turkey has great natural resources, Turkey just generates 51 MW electricity by wind power.


Furthermore, Turkish government plans to build nuclear plant to solve the power porblem in Turkey. In fact United States and other western countries want to transfer their radioactive garbage to Turkish land.

I do not want nuclear energy, nuclear plant! Let's use wind power and build more wind mills in order not to destroy nature much.

"Real Turkiye"

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