Google and Real Turkey

Özel Arama
I am a citizen of Istanbul and you can find my recommendations regarding what you should do during your stay at Istanbul.

You know, most of the tourists just visit the most popular places and return to their countries without experiencing the real city life.

The objective of my blog is to help you to see the real city life in Istanbul.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Enslaved Turkish Soldiers - We are Furious

The circle on the map shows where the PKK's attack over Turkish troops took place.

Here you see the eight enslaved Turkish soldiers by PKK (Kurdish Terrorists)in southeast of Turkey. PKK killed 12 Turkish soldiers and they have taken eight soldiers captured. It is rumoured that United States and Israel's Mossad help and train Kurdish terrorists in Northern Iraq. Turks are furious about these last events.

"Real Turkiye"

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